Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Unexpected is Nice Sometimes

Yesterday I packed up and headed out to find a nice place to shoot some photos. When I say packed up, I mean I OVER PACKED! I'm the kind of person that thinks of every worst case scenario and so I packed up accordingly ( with what I had ).  I took my photo gear of course, and stuffed it into my backpack. I also grabbed the TASER my Mom got me "for protection", a bottle of water and some sardines.

Okay, so the sardines were for a multi-purpose reason. 1.) I could eat them if I got lost. 2.) I could use them as a distraction if any wildlife decided they were hungry and were going to have Me for a Snack. Yes, I know this is not logical thinking, but I was hoping it would be better than nothing.

So I headed up to Antione Peak Wildlife Conservation. A Neighbor of mine told be about the place. She said that prior to the area becoming a Conservation she use to live up there. She also mentioned that it had an abundance of wildlife ( Bear, Deer, Moose, etc. ). AWESOME!

Open the Photo and take a peek at the "Disclaimer"!

Once I got up there, it was beautiful. However, fully in Winter "dormant" mode, so there wasn't much to photograph at this location. Making the best of it, I pulled on my backpack ( keep in Mind I REALLY Packed for preparedness ), grabbed my camera, and my selfie stick. I use my selfie stick to live stream on #Periscope. I really wanted to checkout the place, so I may as well share it with my friends on Periscope.

I headed up the hill, backpack on, heavy winter coat, boots, gloves, the works! I get just to the first peak, and I said to myself out loud "This is Nuts". I was out of breath, and re-analyzing what exactly I had in the dam bag, a boulder?!?! I headed back down the hill, contemplating what I could get rid of. Once I get to the car I unload the Camera Tri-Pod, an extra coat, and an emergency charging kit. Yes, I know, an emergency charging kit?? Well, you can never be too prepared!

Heading back up the Mountain I discovered it was ALL uphill, and pure ICE. I started my Live Stream and continued climbing with my Periscope friends in tow. I found the further up the hill we got, the Eerier it became. It went from happy birds chirping towards the base, to quiet and ominous the further we went up. Grant it, it did not help that the topic of choice was the hazards of Moose Bears, and Cougars!

Long story short, I turned around and headed back because I literally FREAKED myself out. On the way down, someone in the room asks "What about a Wolf"? My reply, "Wolf? ......... ( and with a tone of that wouldn't happen, I say Ehhhh".

Not two seconds later I look straight ahead and there is an ANIMAL on four feet, and it makes a kind of Yipping sound, then it turns away! I was thinking that I was in the clear for sure! I even made the comment along the lines of " well he turned away ". For your viewing pleasure ( haha ) here is a clip of the following event. Keep in mind, instead of going for my Taser, or a Stick, I took an entirely different approach!

Well, I hope that gave you a chuckle! Have a wonderful Saturday.



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