Tuesday, February 26, 2019

It's The Little Things That Can Be The BIGGEST Of Them All

Today I read something from a friends post, and it truly got me thinking.

My friend ( in a nutshell ) was talking about how hard life can be when you are fighting yourself internally. When the darkness seems to be overtaking your very being, and it is hard to see the light.

I feel that there are SO MANY of us ( myself included ) that get sucked into this abyss of darkness.

At times it feels impossible to escape it, as if it is going to consume your VERY BEING.

I am here to tell you IT IS NOT. No matter WHAT your situation.

Here's the thing. I am sure you have heard it before " Life is Like a Rollercoaster". There could not be a more fitting analogy. It's true, there are UPs and DOWNs, there is DARKNESS and LIGHT. There are times of uncertainty, and times of complete Euphoria.

Here is my response, or my "words of wisdom" to those of you who feel like there is not a light at the end of the tunnel, for those of you who feel you are going to be swallowed by the darkness....

"The mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It's your spirit that can overcome. I understand more than you know. Please take time out of EVERY day to find just ONE good thing, or beautiful thing, or kind thing in just that day. HOLD ON TO THAT until you find the next. This way the light will always win over the dark. Much love to you, whoever you are.  You can DO THIS."


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