Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Filter YOUR Inbox Starting Right Now

This topic will be broken into a several different posts, so be sure to bookmark this page if it is at all helpful, or informative, for you. Please feel free to share this out as well, if you know someone that could benefit from the ramblings of my experience(s) and thoughts.

 The Beauty All Around You


When I say "Filter your inbox starting today", I mean you AS A PERSON, YOUR Inbox of Life. There is so much crap in this world that we all let in.

This could be anything.... From negative people, to what you watch on TV, or places you go ( that you know in your gut are just bad news for YOU as an individual), letting comments or actions get to you from complete strangers (maybe even loved ones and acquaintances), or that car that rode your ass while you were out today, the person that gave you the blank stare when you said hello, the list could go on and on. Heck, you could even be stewing on something that happened to you last week, or last month, or LAST YEAR!

With the number of people that I have come to know, admire, and adore, I have realized just how many of us there are out there that let so much crap into our lives, that ( to be honest ) really isn't necessary, and is COMPLETELY in our control.

Even if there are tough things like having someone in your life who, to be quite honest doesn't belong there.

Maybe its something you are holding onto from your past. Or, maybe it is even the worry you hold onto about your Future. We are robbing ourselves of TODAY. Honestly, we really are.

You know, it could even be your very own disappointment in yourself. Maybe you saw your life going in a completely different direction, and as it turned out, it didn't go that way.

Are you able to sit and just enjoy "THE moment"? The RIGHT NOW, THIS very SECOND?

For me, it is a work in progress, a daily challenge. It is easy to fall into the old habits of allowing the "junk" into our lives.

If your answer is no, please bookmark this page, and come back for the recurring follow up I will do on this subject. If it is yes, you are one lucky son of a gun who has already discovered how to "Filter Your Inbox". However, for you "YESers", I bet there is someone in your life that is struggling. Please share this page with them, it may be just what they need.

I will leave you today with one challenge, tell me, or tell someone else today ONE Good Thing that you saw, or felt, or heard today......... If you don't feel comfortable telling someone else, write it down, say it out loud, or simply think of it over and over in your own mind.

You can message me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. You can find me on any social media network under MistysMessyLife Or PositivelyMisty.

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