Thursday, February 28, 2019

What is CONTROL?

Filter Your Inbox ( Part II )

In my last post I talked about a bunch of Garbage coming into our lives and how it was in our control. Now, you might be thinking, "this lady is NUTS. None of the crap in my life is in my control, it controls ME"! Well, I beg to differ. Now, Im not saying Everything is in your control, that would be way too scary and much too convenient ! Let me explain.....

Let's take the picture above, just as an easy example. That's me.... Hi! That is also me inside of a feeding pen for COWS. Now, some people may be terrified of Cows ( like yours truly ), and would opt out of stuffing themselves into a feeding pen for Cows. This would be within your control. I however, was taking the SITUATION into MY control and choosing to place myself there.

Control can be viewed in various ways. 1.) You can control ( or Filter ) certain things, people, or events that come into your life. Or, 2.) You can choose to Control the situations you place yourself in during your lifetime.

Now, there are certain events that WILL happen in your life that are OUT of your control. When these events happen, you still have options! You can Control YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSE to these Events.

Example: For me, I suffer from PTSD, which can cause severe Anxiety & Panic episodes. OUT OF MY CONTROL, however, during these bouts, I CAN control my Mental response.

If you have never encountered severe Panic or Anxiety ( Yes, there is a difference ) it is a physically debilitating experience. Your BODY takes on a whole new IMMEDIATE life of its own, leaving your mind out of the entire equation. This can actually be a GOOD thing if you have the mindset and the tools to handle the situation.

So, even though there is an Event out of your control, there are things WITHIN the Event that you CAN Control. Making sense?

If not, here is another Example:

John Doe has just suffered a heart attack, but has survived (OUT OF YOUR CONTROL). John Doe can take control of the situation at hand by CHOOSING to follow the Doctors recommendations, and can Control his physical and mental state going forward by possibly choosing to eat differently, meditate, and exercise within his limitations.

And here is one more Example:

Jane Doe has had some financial difficulties due to her husbands medical issues. Jane Doe feels completely helpless and out of Control of the situation. It would seem so, wouldn't it?
However....... Here are some of the things that Jane can do to take Control of the situation;
1.) Gather all of the bills together ( current and past )
2.) Start a priority list
     a.) Starting with Current CANT MISS bills, followed by bills that have recently become overdue, ending with bills that have possibly gone to collection and need immediate attention.
3.) Start reaching out to each place and speaking with them, requesting to make payment arrangements. This is something you can do with Current, and Past bills. You will be surprised how willing, and understanding some of these places can be!

This would be Jane taking Control of her current Event / Situation.

Now, Jane may also need to looking for an additional income ( if need be ). Again, this would be something in Her Control.

I did not say that taking control was going to make the situation immediately better. But, taking the control that is available to you WILL make you feel better about the situation. Can you imagine Jane not attempting to do SOMETHING about her situation? How would she feel then? Hopeless? Depressed? My guess would be yes!

I leave you today with one new phrase to put into your Vocabulary "YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSE". Read it, Memorize It, Use it, LIVE IT!

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